
cat apple and中a發音一致嗎

心理 閱讀(2.83W)
cat apple and中a發音一致嗎

cat apple and中a發音一致: /æ/

The two persons have the same talent andabilities .二人才力相當。

The president's look was cold andpenetrating .總統的目光冷峻刺人。

So the days passed in spring and summer .春夏的時光就是這樣度過的。

She looked out of the window every now and then .她不時向窗外探望。

That was a very large and whiskered man .那人身材魁偉,蓄着小鬍子。

They were strolling up and down the veranda .他們在走廊上來回徜徉。

cat, apple和and這三個英語單詞中的元音字母a的發音是完全一致的。
