

心理 閱讀(8.52K)


The pickpocket was caught in the act .這個扒手在行竊時被當場拿住。

Miss ley caught her mood at a glance .萊伊小姐一眼就看出了她的心境。

Answer! or you will catch it again .快說,要不然再叫你嚐嚐那個滋味。

The duchess caught her husband's eye .公爵夫人引起了她丈夫的注意。

A drowning man will catch at a straw .在沉溺中的人會攀援於一條麥稈。

He caught many fish to fill up his belly .他捉了很多魚,填飽了肚子

The sails are torn they won't catch the wind .帆破了,兜不住風。

I have nearly caught the rhymes myself .我幾乎都要跟上它的韻腳了。

He was conscious of a catch in his voice .他覺得自己的聲音哽咽了。

Where could he have caught the disease ?他在哪兒傳染上了這種病呢